How To Fix A Faucet Handle That Turns Too Far

Do you have a faucet handle that turns too far, making it difficult to control the water flow? If so, you are not alone. This is a common problem that can be caused by a variety of factors, such as a loose handle or a worn-out cartridge.

Fortunately, fixing a faucet handle that turns too far is a relatively easy task that can be done with a few basic tools and some know-how.

In this article, we will walk you through the steps to diagnose and fix the problem, so you can get back to using your faucet with ease and confidence.

So, let’s get started!

Understanding the Cause of the Problem

Don’t let frustration take over – it’s time to figure out what’s causing your faucet to malfunction.

One of the most common faucet problems is when the handle turns too far, causing the water to keep running even when the faucet is supposed to be turned off. This can happen for a variety of reasons, ranging from loose or worn out parts to mineral buildup inside the faucet.

To fix the problem, you must first troubleshoot the underlying cause. Start by examining the faucet handle and its components. Check for any visible signs of wear and tear, such as cracks or corrosion. If you notice any damage, the handle may need to be replaced.

Next, take apart the faucet and inspect the internal components, such as the cartridge or valve. Look for any signs of damage or mineral buildup, which can cause the faucet to malfunction. If you find any issues, clean or replace the affected parts to restore proper function.

By understanding the cause of the problem, you can take the necessary steps to fix your faucet handle and prevent future issues.

Gathering the Necessary Tools

Let’s get everything we need to tackle this slight adjustment on the water flow controller. The first thing you need to do is to ensure that you have the right tools for the job.

You’ll need a screwdriver, pliers, lubricant, and a rag. These are the common tools that you can find in most households. However, you must ensure that you have the appropriate size and type of screwdriver to fit the faucet handle screw.

Common mistakes people make when fixing a faucet handle that turns too far are using the wrong tools or not having all the necessary tools. Using the wrong size or type of screwdriver can damage the screw and make the problem worse.

Also, not having all the necessary tools can prolong the repair process. In case you don’t have any of the required tools, you can try some alternative tools. For example, you can use a butter knife or a coin to remove the screw if you don’t have a screwdriver. However, be cautious when using alternative tools as they can also damage the screw.

Turning off the Water Supply

Before beginning, it’s crucial to turn off the water supply to avoid any potential water damage that could ruin your day.

Shutting off water supply is an easy process that will require you to locate the shutoff valve that controls the water flow to your faucet. This valve is usually located under the sink or in the basement.

Turn the valve clockwise to shut off the water supply and test the faucet to ensure that there is no water flow. It’s important to take safety precautions and wear gloves and eye protection when working with plumbing.

If turning off the water supply is not an option, there are alternative solutions to fixing a faucet handle that turns too far.

You can try tightening the setscrew that secures the handle to the stem of the faucet. If this doesn’t work, you can replace the faucet cartridge or stem assembly. It’s important to have the right tools for the job and to follow the manufacturer’s instructions carefully.

Remember, if you’re unsure about how to fix a faucet handle that turns too far, it’s best to call a professional plumber for help.

Disassembling the Faucet Handle

Now that you’ve turned off the water supply, it’s time to take apart the faucet handle to get a closer look at the problem. Before you start disassembling the handle, make sure you have all the necessary tools, such as a screwdriver or pliers.

Once you have the tools, look for the screws or caps that hold the handle in place. Remove the screws or caps carefully, so as not to damage the lubricating mechanism.

After removing the handle, inspect the inside for any worn or damaged parts that may be causing it to turn too far. Look for any signs of corrosion or buildup that may be preventing the handle from working properly.

If you find any worn or damaged parts, consider replacing them with new ones to ensure that your faucet handle works smoothly and efficiently. If there’s no visible damage, apply some lubricant to the handle mechanism before reassembling it.

Adjusting the Cartridge or Stem

To get your faucet working properly, you’ll need to adjust the cartridge or stem inside – don’t worry, it’s easier than it sounds!

First, turn off your water supply and remove the handle as described in the previous subtopic.

Then, look for the cartridge or stem – it will be the part that connects to the handle and controls the flow of water.

If the cartridge or stem is stiff or difficult to turn, try lubricating it with plumber’s grease or silicone spray. Apply the lubricant to the threads and any moving parts, then reassemble the handle and test it out.

If the problem persists, you may need to replace worn components, such as the O-ring or washer. Consult your faucet’s manual or a plumbing professional for guidance on which parts to replace and how to do so.

With a little adjustment and maintenance, your faucet handle should turn smoothly and stop at the appropriate angle.

Reassembling the Faucet Handle

You’re almost done – time to put the handle back on and enjoy your freshly adjusted water flow! Before you do that though, make sure you follow these reassembling steps to ensure everything works smoothly:

  • Slide the handle onto the stem or cartridge.
  • Tighten the set screw with a screwdriver. Make sure it’s snug but not too tight.
  • Reattach any decorative caps or covers that were removed.

Turn on the water supply and test the faucet handle to make sure it’s working properly.

Common mistakes when reassembling the faucet handle include not tightening the set screw enough or over-tightening it, which can cause the handle to be difficult to turn or even break. If you’re having trouble getting the handle back on, try troubleshooting with these tips:

  • Make sure the stem or cartridge is properly aligned with the handle.
  • Double-check that the set screw is completely removed before trying to slide the handle back on.
  • If the handle still doesn’t fit, check for any debris or buildup inside the handle hole or on the stem/cartridge.

If all else fails, consult the manufacturer’s instructions or call a professional plumber for assistance.

Testing the Faucet for Proper Functionality

As you bask in the satisfaction of a job well done, take a moment to test the waters and make sure your efforts have borne fruit.

Turn on the faucet slowly and observe the water pressure. If it’s too high or too low, you may need to adjust the water pressure regulator.

If the water pressure is normal, check for leaks around the base of the faucet handle and the spout. Run your hand around the base of the faucet and feel for any moisture or water droplets.

If you notice any leaks, tighten the connections or replace any damaged parts.

Next, turn the faucet handle to both hot and cold positions and check for any unusual sounds or leaks.

If you hear any unusual sounds or notice any leaks, turn off the water supply and disassemble the faucet handle again. Inspect the connections and washers for damage or wear and replace any damaged parts.

Once you have confirmed that the faucet is working properly, reassemble the handle and enjoy your fully functional faucet.

Congratulations, you’ve successfully fixed your faucet handle that turned too far!

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I know if my faucet handle is turning too far?

If you’re wondering if your faucet handle is turning too far, there are a few signs to look out for.

First, you may notice that the water pressure is lower than usual, or that the faucet is leaking even when it’s turned off.

Additionally, the handle may feel loose or wobbly when you try to turn it.

If you’re experiencing any of these issues, it’s likely that your faucet handle is turning too far and needs to be fixed.

Possible solutions include tightening the handle or replacing the faucet cartridge.

If you’re unsure about how to perform these repairs, it’s best to consult a professional plumber to ensure that the issue is resolved properly.

Can I fix a faucet handle that is completely stuck?

If you have a faucet handle that’s completely stuck, there are a few things you can try to fix it.

First, try lubricating the handle with a silicone-based lubricant.

If that doesn’t work, you may need to replace the entire faucet handle.

It’s important to choose the correct replacement handle for your faucet, so make sure to take note of the brand and model number before purchasing a new one.

Replacing the handle may require some basic plumbing skills, but it’s a relatively simple fix that can save you from having to replace the entire faucet.

What do I do if the faucet handle is still loose after adjusting the cartridge or stem?

To fix a loose faucet handle, start by adjusting the tension using the set screw located on the handle. If this doesn’t work, try replacing the handle altogether.

Begin by turning off the water supply and removing the old handle. Then, install the new handle by aligning it with the stem and tightening the set screw.

Turn the water supply back on and test the handle to ensure it’s secure. If the handle is still loose, it may be an issue with the cartridge or stem, which may need to be replaced by a professional plumber.

Remember to always follow safety precautions when working on plumbing fixtures.

How often should I expect to replace the cartridge or stem in my faucet?

The lifespan of a faucet cartridge varies depending on the frequency of use, water quality, and the type of cartridge installed. Generally, modern ceramic cartridges have a longer lifespan than older rubber ones.

On average, you can expect to replace a cartridge every 5-10 years. However, the durability of the stem can also affect the frequency of replacements. If the stem is made of brass or stainless steel, it can last for decades, whereas plastic stems may need to be replaced every few years.

It’s important to monitor the condition of the cartridge and stem regularly to avoid any potential leaks or malfunctions.

Is it safe to attempt fixing a faucet handle without professional assistance?

Are you considering fixing a faucet handle on your own? While it may seem like a simple task, there are potential risks involved.

It’s important to weigh the pros and cons of DIY vs professional help. If you have experience with plumbing repairs and feel confident in your abilities, you may be able to successfully fix the handle. However, if you’re unsure about the process or don’t have the necessary tools, it’s best to seek professional assistance.

Attempting to fix the handle without proper knowledge or tools could lead to further damage and potentially costlier repairs in the long run. Safety should always be a top priority when dealing with plumbing issues.


Congratulations! You’ve successfully fixed your faucet handle that was turning too far. By following the steps outlined in this article, you were able to identify the cause of the problem, gather the necessary tools, turn off the water supply, disassemble the faucet handle, adjust the cartridge or stem, reassemble the faucet handle, and test the faucet for proper functionality.

Did you know that, according to a study by the Environmental Protection Agency, fixing a leaky faucet can save up to 10% on your water bill? That’s right! By taking the time to fix your faucet handle, you’re not only preventing water waste, but also saving money in the long run.

It’s important to address any plumbing issues as soon as possible to avoid further damage and expenses. Remember, if you encounter any difficulties during the process or if the problem persists, it’s always best to consult a professional plumber.

With the knowledge and skills gained from fixing your faucet handle, you can tackle other plumbing issues with confidence. Keep up the good work!