How To Remove The Handle Of Moen Touchless Kitchen Faucet

Removing the handle of a Moen touchless kitchen faucet is not a difficult task. With the right tools and a bit of patience, you can easily remove and replace the handle in a few minutes.

You’ll want to start by identifying the components of the faucet so you know what you’re dealing with. Once you have that down, gaining access to the handle is the next step. Then, you’ll be ready to remove the screws and pull the handle off.

After that, you can replace the handle and reinstall the handle screws. Finally, test the new handle to make sure everything is working properly.

Identifying the Components of the Faucet

Identifying the components of your faucet is key to making any necessary repairs, so let’s take a closer look!

To access the internal parts of the Moen touchless kitchen faucet, you’ll need to disconnect the water hoses from the valves. There are usually two, one for hot and one for cold water.

After the hoses are disconnected, you’ll be able to access the handle and the other components of the faucet, such as the spray head, the spout, and the valves.

Once you have the handle removed, you’ll be able to identify what type of handle you have and replace it if necessary.

Gaining Access to the Handle

To gain access, you’ll need to unscrew and disconnect the piece beneath the sink. First, make sure the water is off before you start.

Then, carefully unscrew the base of the faucet and remove the handle. You may need to use a screwdriver or wrench to do this.

If you’re having trouble accessing the parts of the faucet, there are several troubleshooting tips you can use. First, check the manufacturer’s manual to see if there are any diagrams or instructions that can guide you. You may also want to check online for helpful tutorials and videos that demonstrate how to access the parts of the faucet.

Lastly, you can always contact the manufacturer for additional help and advice.

Removing the Handle Screws

Now that you have access to the faucet, you’ll need to remove the screws that are holding the handle in place.

Depending on the type of handle on your Moen touchless kitchen faucet, there are several techniques you can use to unscrew them:

  • Use a flathead screwdriver to unscrew the screws, making sure to turn them counter-clockwise.
  • Use needle nose pliers to grip the screws and rotate them counter-clockwise.
  • Use a drill to unscrew the screws, if necessary.
  • Use a wrench to unscrew the screws, making sure to turn them counter-clockwise.
  • Use a hex key, which is specifically designed to fit into the screw head and turn it counter-clockwise.

Pulling the Handle Off

Unscrewing the screws is just the start – it’s time to finally pull the handle off!

To do this, you’ll need to disassemble some parts. Start by gently pushing the handle up while gripping the base of the faucet. If you’re having trouble, use a pair of pliers to help you pull the handle off.

Once the handle is off, inspect the parts and make sure that there are no loose parts or troubleshooting issues. If everything looks good, you’re ready to install the new handle.

Replacing the Handle

With the old handle out of the way, it’s time to get the new one in place! Replacing the handle of a moen touchless kitchen faucet is a relatively simple process, but it’s important to troubleshoot any potential issues before installing it correctly.

To start, you’ll need to have the new handle in front of you, as well as the necessary tools for the job. The most important step is to ensure the handle is the correct size and shape for the existing faucet.

Next, you’ll need to unscrew the mounting nut with an adjustable wrench or pliers. Once the mounting nut is removed, you can lift the handle off and insert the new handle in its place. Then, you’ll need to re-install the mounting nut, tightening it until it’s securely in place.

You may also want to use a silicone-based lubricant to ensure the handle moves smoothly and without any sticking. With the handle replaced and secured, you can now enjoy your new moen touchless kitchen faucet!

Reinstalling the Handle Screws

Tighten your adjustable wrench and screw the mounting nut back into place, securing the handle in its new position.

Make sure the handle is secure and the mounting nut is not overtightened, as this may cause the faucet to malfunction.

You may need to adjust the tension of the screws a few times before they are properly secured.

When the handle is firmly in place, you can use a screwdriver to tighten the screws until they are secure.

Finally, check that the handle operates properly and that all screws are tightly secured before you finish.

Testing the New Handle

Now that you’ve reinstalled the handle screws, it’s time to test out your new handle.

Start by inspecting the seals and gaskets to ensure they’re properly installed. Make sure all the parts are securely in place and that the handle is firmly attached to the faucet body.

Once everything looks good, turn the water on and test the handle to make sure it turns on and off without any issues. If the handle’s still not functioning properly, you may need to replace the gaskets or seals.

Frequently Asked Questions

What kind of tools do I need to remove the handle?

Removing a handle from a touchless kitchen faucet can be done with the right fitting tools. Depending on the type of handle, you’ll need a Phillips head screwdriver, an Allen wrench, or a flat-head screwdriver.

If you don’t have the right tools for the job, you can always purchase them at your local hardware store. Just make sure to bring the handle with you to ensure you get the right size and type of tool.

What should I do if my faucet handle is stuck?

If your faucet handle is stuck, don’t panic! There are a few troubleshooting tips that can help you get it unstuck.

First, make sure the handle is properly secured to the faucet base. If it’s not, tighten it up.

If that doesn’t work, check the cartridge inside the handle to make sure it’s not damaged. If it is, replacing it with the appropriate replacement part should help.

Finally, if all else fails, you may need to replace the entire handle.

How often should I replace my Moen touchless kitchen faucet handle?

Regular maintenance is key to keeping your Moen touchless kitchen faucet handle in top shape. It’s a good idea to inspect and lubricate the faucet handle every few months or so to keep it functioning properly.

If the handle becomes stuck, don’t be tempted to try and force it off; instead, use a lubricant to help it move freely.

With regular maintenance and care, your Moen touchless kitchen faucet handle should last for years.

Is it safe to use WD-40 on my faucet handle?

Using WD-40 on your faucet handle is generally not recommended. It is not a proper lubrication and can damage certain handle types. It is best to use faucet-specific lubricants and cleaners to ensure the longevity of your faucet handle. Doing so can help prevent the need to replace the handle in the future.

How do I know if I have the right replacement handle?

When replacing a handle on your Moen Touchless Kitchen Faucet, it’s important to make sure you get the right size.
Measure the size of the handle to get an exact measurement, then compare it to manufacturer’s measurements of different faucet types.
If you’re unsure, you can always contact the manufacturer for help in getting the correct size.


You’ve successfully removed the handle of your Moen touchless kitchen faucet.

Now, you can go ahead and install the new handle. Make sure you get the right size handle before you start so you can ensure a proper fit.

Once you have the new handle, reinstall the handle screws and make sure they’re tight.

Finally, turn the water on and test the new handle to make sure it’s working correctly.

With a few simple steps, you’ve successfully replaced the handle on your Moen touchless kitchen faucet.