What Is The Best Way To Get Hair Out Of The Shower Drain?

You’ve just finished your shower, and as you turn off the water, you notice that the drain is not draining properly. You take a closer look and see a mass of hair clogging the drain.

If you’re like most people, the sight of hair in the drain can make you cringe. But don’t worry, there are several ways you can remove hair from your shower drain and get it flowing again.

Before we dive into the best ways to remove hair from your shower drain, let’s address a common concern: you don’t want to touch the hair. We get it, it’s gross.

But the good news is that there are ways to remove hair without having to touch it. So, put on some gloves if you need to, and let’s get started on how to get your shower drain back to normal.

Using a Drain Snake

If you’re tired of dealing with clogged shower drains, try using a drain snake to easily remove any buildup. Drain snakes come in different types, including the manual and the electric type.

Manual drain snakes have a rotating handle that you turn to push the snake through the drain. On the other hand, electric drain snakes are operated by a motor and have a longer reach, making it easier to remove hair and other debris that have accumulated in the drain.

Using a drain snake has its pros and cons. The main advantage is that it’s a cost-effective solution to removing hair clogs in your shower drain. Drain snakes can be purchased for a low cost and can be used multiple times.

Another benefit of using a drain snake is that it’s a quick and easy method to unclog a drain. However, one disadvantage of using a drain snake is that it requires some effort and patience to dislodge the hair buildup. Additionally, if not used properly, the snake can damage your pipes and cause further problems.

Pouring Boiling Water Down the Drain

Pouring boiling water down the drain can help melt and wash away the buildup of hair and soap scum, making the water flow smoothly like a hot knife through butter. This method is cheap, easy, and effective in removing hair clogs from your shower drain.

However, there are a few precautions you should take when pouring boiling water down the drain. Use a kettle or pot to heat the water to boiling point. Avoid microwaving the water as it may not heat evenly and could be dangerous.

Pour the boiling water down the drain slowly and carefully. Do not splash the water as it can cause burns. Only use this method on metal or PVC pipes. If you have older pipes made of clay or ceramic, boiling water can cause them to crack and break.

It is recommended to wear protective gloves and eye gear while pouring boiling water down the drain as a safety precaution.

By following these precautions, you can safely and effectively use boiling water to clear out hair from your shower drain without causing any damage. Give it a try and see how effectively you can get rid of those pesky hair clogs!

Baking Soda and Vinegar Method

Using the baking soda and vinegar method is a popular and effective way to clean and freshen up your drains. The benefits of baking soda and vinegar are that they’re natural and non-toxic, making them a safer alternative to harsh chemicals.

Baking soda works as a mild abrasive, which can help remove hair and other debris that may be clogging your shower drain. Vinegar acts as a natural disinfectant that can help break down any stubborn buildup in your pipes.

To use this method, start by pouring a pot of boiling water down the drain to help loosen any buildup. Next, sprinkle a cup of baking soda down the drain, followed by a cup of vinegar. You may hear fizzing and bubbling, which is normal and indicates that the ingredients are working to break down any clogs.

Let the solution sit for about 10-15 minutes before flushing the drain with hot water. Repeat this process once a month to keep your shower drain clear and fresh.

If you’re not a fan of using baking soda and vinegar, there are other alternatives you can try for clearing shower drains. For example, using a plunger can be effective in removing hair and debris that may be stuck in the drain. You can also try using a drain snake or a mixture of salt and baking soda.

However, it’s important to avoid using harsh chemicals, as they can damage your pipes and harm the environment.

DIY Drain Cleaning Solutions

There are a variety of DIY drain cleaning solutions that you can try at home, but it’s important to keep in mind that they may not work for every type of clog. However, if you’re dealing with hair clogs in your shower drain, there are a few natural drain cleaners that are worth a try.

Here are some DIY solutions to help you get rid of the hair in your shower drain:

  1. Salt and Baking Soda: Mix equal parts of salt and baking soda and pour it down the drain. Let it sit for 15 minutes, then pour hot water down the drain to flush away the mixture and any hair that has been dislodged.
  2. Boiling Water: Boil a pot of water and carefully pour it down the drain in stages. This can help dissolve any buildup and loosen the hair clog.
  3. Wire Hanger: Straighten out a wire hanger and create a hook at the end. Insert the hook into the drain and use it to pull out any hair or debris that may be blocking the flow of water.
  4. Wet/Dry Vacuum: If you have a wet/dry vacuum, use it to suck out any hair or debris from the drain. Just be sure to cover the vent to prevent any hair from flying out.

Regular Maintenance Tips

To keep your shower drain flowing smoothly, it’s important to regularly maintain it by cleaning the stopper and removing any visible debris. This helps prevent hair and other materials from building up and causing clogs.

One way to maintain your shower drain is by using natural remedies such as a mixture of baking soda and vinegar. Simply pour the mixture down the drain and let it sit for a few minutes before rinsing it out with hot water. You can also use a plunger to remove any stubborn blockages.

If the clog is severe or you’re unable to remove it with DIY solutions, it’s best to seek professional cleaning services. Professional plumbers have the tools and expertise to efficiently remove hair and other materials that may be causing the clogs. They may use techniques such as hydro jetting or snaking to clear the drain.

Regular maintenance and professional cleaning can help keep your shower drain in top condition and prevent costly repairs in the future.

Hiring a Professional Plumber

If you’re in a bind and your shower drain is completely clogged, it’s time to bring in the experts and let them work their magic to clear the blockage.

While regular maintenance can prevent clogs, sometimes hair and other debris can accumulate and cause a stubborn blockage that requires a professional touch.

Hiring a professional plumber can be costly, but the benefits of having a trained and experienced expert work on your plumbing system far outweigh the cost.

Here are a few benefits of hiring a professional plumber to remove hair from your shower drain:

  • They have the right tools and equipment: Professional plumbers have specialized tools and equipment that make it easier for them to remove hair and other debris from your shower drain.
  • They have access to drain snakes, hydro jets, and other tools that can effectively clear even the toughest clogs.
  • They have the knowledge and expertise: Professional plumbers have been trained to handle all kinds of plumbing issues, including clogged drains.
  • They have the knowledge and expertise to diagnose the problem and come up with a solution that will not only clear the blockage but prevent it from happening again in the future.

Prevention Techniques for Future Clogs

Now that you’ve hired a professional plumber to clear your shower drain, you’ll want to avoid having to do it again in the near future. Regular cleaning and using hair-catching devices can help prevent future clogs and save you money in the long run.

First, it’s important to clean your shower drain regularly. This means removing any visible hair or debris from the drain after each use. You can use a small brush or your fingers to remove the hair and then dispose of it in the trash.

Additionally, you can pour a mixture of baking soda and vinegar down the drain once a week to help break down any buildup in the pipes. Another option is to use a commercial drain cleaner, but be sure to follow the instructions carefully to avoid damaging your pipes.

Secondly, you can use a hair-catching device to prevent hair from going down the drain in the first place. These devices come in a variety of forms, such as mesh screens or plastic covers, and can be easily installed over the drain.

By using these prevention techniques, you can keep your shower drain clear and avoid the hassle of hiring a plumber in the future.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can hair clogs be prevented by using a specific type of shampoo or hair product?

To prevent hair clogs in your shower drain, there are a few measures you can take.

First, consider using hair shedding prevention products such as shampoos and conditioners that claim to reduce hair loss.

Additionally, investing in a drain hair catcher can significantly reduce the amount of hair that makes its way into your drain. These devices are inexpensive and can be found at most hardware or home improvement stores.

Simply place the catcher over the drain and remove it periodically to dispose of the collected hair.

By implementing these simple preventative measures, you can avoid the hassle of having to remove hair from your shower drain altogether.

How often should I clean my shower drain to prevent clogs?

To prevent clogs in your shower drain, it’s important to clean it regularly. A good rule of thumb is to clean your drain at least once a month, depending on how much hair and other debris accumulates.

Signs of a clogged drain include slow draining water, water backing up in the shower, and a foul odor emanating from the drain.

To clean your shower drain, first remove any visible hair or debris with a pair of gloves and a drain cleaning tool. Then, pour a mixture of hot water and vinegar down the drain to dissolve any remaining buildup. Finally, run hot water down the drain to flush out the debris.

By regularly cleaning your shower drain, you can avoid the hassle and expense of dealing with a clogged drain in the future.

Is it safe to use chemical drain cleaners on hair clogs?

When it comes to preventing hair clogs in your shower drain, chemical drain cleaners may seem like a quick and easy solution. However, they can be harsh on your pipes and potentially harmful to your health.

Instead, consider using alternative solutions such as a drain snake or a mixture of baking soda and vinegar. A drain snake can effectively remove hair clogs without damaging your pipes, while a mixture of baking soda and vinegar can break down the clog and help to prevent future buildup.

Additionally, regularly cleaning your drain and using a drain cover to catch loose hair can also help to prevent clogs from forming. By taking these preventative measures, you can avoid the need for harsh chemicals and keep your shower drain flowing smoothly.

Can hair clogs cause damage to my plumbing system?

Did you know that hair clogs are one of the leading causes of plumbing issues in households?

In fact, according to a recent study, hair clogs account for over 50% of all drain blockages. The effect of hair clogs on pipes can be damaging over time, as the accumulation can lead to corrosion and even burst pipes.

It’s crucial to address hair clogs promptly to avoid costly repairs. While there are DIY methods to remove hair clogs, such as using a plunger or drain snake, it’s important to note that these can be temporary solutions.

The importance of professional plumbing services cannot be overstated, as they have the tools and expertise to not only remove the hair clog but also assess and address any potential damage to your plumbing system.

What are some natural alternatives to chemical drain cleaners for removing hair clogs?

If you’re looking for natural alternatives to chemical drain cleaners for removing hair clogs, there are a few options you can consider.

Firstly, you can try using DIY hair catchers to prevent hair from going down your shower drain in the first place. These can be made from household items like mesh screens or pantyhose.

Secondly, you can use a mixture of vinegar and baking soda to break down the clog. Simply pour a cup of baking soda down the drain, followed by a cup of vinegar. Cover the drain with a plug and let the mixture sit for around 15 minutes.

Finally, flush the drain with hot water. This should help to dissolve any hair and other debris that might be clogging your drain.


Well done, you’ve successfully unclogged your shower drain!

However, let’s be honest, no one enjoys the process of fishing out clumps of hair from their drain, or pouring boiling water down the pipes. It’s a messy, time-consuming task that we all wish we could avoid.

But wait, there’s more! You can prevent clogs from happening in the first place by simply investing in a hair catcher for your drain. Yes, it’s that simple.

For just a few dollars, you can save yourself the hassle of dealing with a clogged drain altogether. So go ahead, treat yourself to a hair catcher and enjoy a stress-free showering experience.

Your future self will thank you.