How To Remove A Delta Sink Stopper

Do you need to remove a Delta sink stopper? It’s not as difficult as you may think. With the right instructions, you can get the job done in no time.

In this article, we’ll provide you with step-by-step instructions on how to remove a Delta sink stopper. We’ll show you how to:

  • Identify the type of Delta stopper you have
  • Locate the retaining clip
  • Unscrew the drain flange
  • Remove the stopper rod
  • Take off the stopper
  • Unclog the drain
  • Reinstall the stopper

By the time you’re done reading, you’ll know exactly how to remove your Delta sink stopper. Let’s get started!

Identifying the Type of Delta Stopper

Determining the type of plug obstructing the drain is the first step in the process of freeing the basin.

To identify the type of Delta stopper, you’ll want to start by looking under the sink and examining the parts.

Depending on the type of sink, you could have either a pop-up stopper or a lift-and-turn stopper.

If you have a pop-up stopper, you’ll see a metal rod connected to the back of the stopper.

If you have a lift-and-turn stopper, you’ll notice a knob connected to the stopper, and when you turn the knob, the stopper should lift up and down.

Once you’ve identified the type of stopper, you can move onto the next step in the process.

Locating the Retaining Clip

To locate the retaining clip that’s keeping your stopper in place, take a closer look beneath your sink. You may need a flashlight to help you identify the clip, which is usually located near the back of the drain hole and is typically a small metal circle with a slotted arm.

You may need to remove debris that has built up around the stopper in order to see the clip. Once you locate the clip, you’ll need to remove it in order to remove the stopper. This can be done by gently squeezing and releasing the slotted arm of the clip, enabling you to pull out the stopper.

If the clip is damaged or missing, you may need to find a replacement before you can remove the stopper. If you do need to find a replacement, be sure to take measurements of the clip so you get the right size for installing.

Unscrewing the Drain Flange

Once you’ve freed the stopper, you’ll need to unscrew the drain flange to finish the job.

The drain access is typically found directly underneath the sink. Use a screwdriver to carefully unscrew the flange from the drain. You may need a second person to help hold the flange in place while you unscrew it.

If there is any leakage, use a cloth to absorb it, making sure to wear gloves for safety. If the flange is too stubborn, consider using a wrench or pliers to loosen it.

Once the flange is removed, the job is nearly complete.

Removing the Stopper Rod

Now it’s time to gently pull out the stopper rod, so you can start to see the light at the end of the tunnel.

To do this, identify the rod, which is typically located on the underside of the sink. It could be attached to the stopper with a string or a small chain, or it may be built into the sink. If it’s attached, you’ll need to unscrew it.

Once the rod is removed, you can inspect it for any dirt or buildup that may have occurred during its installation. Make sure to clean off any dirt or debris that may be present before attempting to reinstall the rod.

Taking Off the Stopper

You can now take off the stopper, so you’re one step closer to being done with this project!

Taking off the stopper requires a few troubleshooting tips and upgrades to certain parts. Here are some pointers to help you:

  • Make sure you have the right tools for the job. You may need a plumber’s wrench, a screwdriver, or a pair of pliers.
  • Locate the stopper and unscrew the nut using the correct tool.
  • If the nut is stuck, apply a lubricant to the threads.
  • Once the nut is loosened, carefully remove the stopper and inspect it for any damage.

With these tips, you can easily take off the stopper and complete the job.

Be sure to keep all the parts in a safe place so you can use them for future repairs.

Unclogging the Drain

To top off your project, you’ll need to tackle the difficult task of unclogging the drain – good luck! Clearing debris and performing preventative maintenance are essential when unclogging a sink drain. Unclogging a sink drain can be messy, but with proper technique and the right tools, you can quickly and easily unclog your drain.

First, you’ll want to inspect the drain for any visible clogs. If you don’t see anything, you’ll need to remove the stopper and use a plumbing snake, or a hook-shaped tool, to fish out any debris that is clogging the drain. Once you’ve removed any debris from the sink, you can use a plunger to help push any blockages further down the drain. If after this your drain is still clogged, you can use a chemical drain cleaner to break up any remaining blockage.

Method Description Effectiveness
Plumbing Snake Hook-shaped tool used to fish out debris Good
Plunger Pushes blockages further down the drain Good
Chemical Drain Cleaner Breaks up blockages Best

Reinstalling the Stopper

Once you’ve cleared the clog, it’s time to put the stopper back in place – a simple process that’ll have your sink running smoothly in no time!

Begin by ensuring that all securing components are properly in place – screws, washers, nuts, and so forth – and then align the stopper with the drain hole.

If the stopper is too low, use a pair of pliers to adjust the stopper’s arm, making sure that it’s properly aligned with the drain hole.

Once the alignment is corrected, you should now be able to push the stopper back into the drain hole.

Test the stopper by opening and closing the sink drain – it should move up and down with little resistance.

If there is any resistance, make sure to readjust the stopper’s arm until the resistance is gone.

Finally, give the sink a full check to make sure that everything is running as it should.

With some basic tools and a bit of patience, you should be able to reinstall a delta sink stopper with ease.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I know if my sink is a Delta sink?

Figuring out if your sink is a Delta sink doesn’t have to be a daunting task. As the old adage goes, ‘if you look closely enough, you’ll find the answer.’

To identify if your sink is a Delta, pay attention to the identifying features and markers. Look for Delta’s distinctive diamond logo and the ‘D’ or ‘DI’ marked on the stopper itself. Delta sinks often feature a distinctive design, like a curved tailpiece or a teardrop-shaped stopper.

If your sink matches this description, then you can be sure that it is a Delta sink!

What kind of tools do I need to remove the stopper?

Removing a delta sink stopper can be tricky, but with the right tools, it can be done safely and effectively. You’ll need a few specific tools for the job: a flat-head screwdriver, a pair of slip joint pliers, and a basin wrench. Professional advice is recommended when attempting this type of drainage solution.

These tools will help you safely remove the stopper without damaging the sink or your hands.

How do I ensure the stopper stays in place when I re-install it?

You’ve taken the plunge and successfully removed the sink stopper, but what’s the best way to make sure it stays secure when you re-install?

The key is to ensure the seal is properly secured by applying a sealant around the edges of the stopper material. Depending on the material, the sealant application should be done with care, using a brush or a caulking gun to make sure the sealant is applied evenly and pressed firmly into the stopper.

Doing so will help ensure the stopper stays in place and you won’t have to go through the process of removal and reinstallation again any time soon.

Can I use a chemical cleaner to unclog the drain?

You may be wondering if you can use a chemical cleaner to unclog a drain when you’re maintaining it. The answer is yes!

However, it’s important to be sure that the cleaning solution you’re using is safe for the type of material your drain is made of. If you’re unsure, you can always contact a plumber or research the type of material online.

Once you’ve found a safe cleaning solution, you can apply it to the drain and let it sit for a few minutes before flushing it out with warm water.

Is there a way to tell the difference between a pop-up and a lift rod stopper?

Identifying the difference between a pop-up and a lift rod stopper can seem impossible, but with the right knowledge, you can ace this challenge!

You’ll want to look for identifying markers that indicate which type of stopper you’re dealing with. For example, a pop-up stopper operates with a lift rod and ball chain, while a lift rod stopper has a knob or handle at the top of the drain.

Both of these drain types are popular, but it’s important to know which one you’re dealing with. This ensures you’re removing the correct stopper!


Removing a Delta sink stopper can seem daunting, but it’s really quite simple with the right instructions. Now that you know how to identify the type of stopper, locate the retaining clip, unscrew the drain flange, remove the stopper rod, and take off the stopper, you can easily unclog your sink.

What kind of tools will you need for the job? Whatever you do, make sure to have a screwdriver, pliers, and a wrench handy. With these tools, you’ll be able to successfully remove your Delta sink stopper in no time.

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